A fresh take on intelligent customer communications

GardenIQ MarTech features meet marketers with just what they need; nothing more, nothing less.
AI-Generated Emails

Just prompt, review & publish

Tell GardenIQ AI what type of email campaign you want to create and watch it generate an email, from header to footer, and everything in between.
Data Gathering

Track & collect customer data in seconds

Tagging your digital experience has never been easier. Our no-code feature Harvest℠ puts data collection back in the marketers hands.
Profiles & Segments

The power of SQL in a simple, visual tool

Cleaner data collection leads to clean customer profiles, which lead to customer segments. Our SQL query builder was created to accommodate beginners and experts alike.
Build & Deploy

Forms, email, text messages and more

Just when you thought MarTech tools made it easy to build communications, GardenIQ disrupts the status quo with details you’ve never seen before.
AI Agents

AI for marketers

Work smarter with GardenIQ AI. Design branded email campaigns and marketing automations, create segments and get insights with just a prompt.


Describe the campaign or message and let AI develop the content and layout.


Tell AI the type of flow to generate an automation with best-practices implemented.


Just ask the assistant to find customers that match your search terms.


Get explanations of your analytic updates with deeper customer insights.
Dashboard mockup

The #1 tool for self-sustaining brands

Join the innovative businesses already growing.
Trusted by marketers and developers